Nowadays, the level of education has been moved to next level from class to online i.e. digitalisation. The effect of digitalisation can easily be witnessed when walking into any college classroom, you would be able to see glowing laptop screens and keyboards, the “New age of education”.
But teachers often worry about the distraction that laptops can create in a class, but what about students who stay honest and use them only to take notes? According to research, that’s rarely any better. Studies show that writing notes by hand is far more effective than typing on a computer, and that applies to all levels of education.
A professor in his research of banning computers completely in his class found effective results.
The research he included showed that students who wrote notes by hand received higher exam scores, they were more engaged in discussions and didn’t rely on much on laptops as previously. In his own classroom, banning laptops completely changed the whole scenario, now students were more include in-depth discussions that helped to clarify more queries as compared to before which otherwise gone under-explained. His research showed that students who took notes by hand passed the difficult exam at a higher rate. Therefore, taking notes by hand would be a safer bet in a wide range of academic situations.
More recently in 2014, a study that students who take notes on laptops do worse on conceptual exam —questions that require a deep knowledge of a subject—than those who take written notes. And who hand-write notes can greatly improve their reading and general language skills, memorization and retention, hand-eye coordination, and critical thinking. Practicing the written word can also improve reading skills.
Therefore, it would be much better option to stick with proper hand wrote notes which develop whole writing skills and helps you to remember things when they are in demand. Overall, try to minimize the usage of electronic notes and must do concentrate on written notes.
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